Acupuncture in Calgary-
Proven treatment for Physical & Emotional health
Acupuncture in Calgary
Caring Hands Physiotherapy offers Acupuncture in Calgary. Acupuncture is a safe and effective method of treatment to reduce pain and muscle tension at the same time improving mobility. If you suffer from acute or chronic pain due to muscle strains, spasms or any other musculoskeletal disorder, acupuncture can provide relief. Acupuncture creates an environment that enhances the body’s ability to heal, ultimately reducing pain in the process.
This treatment method, by our Calgary, AB Acupuncturists is a proven way to relieve pain using a sterile needle through the skin. The needle is pushed into the underlying tendons, ligaments, or muscles that have been affected, to relieve pain, decrease muscle tension, and improve mobility.
If you live in Calgary, AB and have questions about acupuncture, please call our clinic and our trained office staff can answer your questions.
Traditional Chinese Acupuncture
This ancient Chinese holistic healing uses fine and sterile needles inserted in key pressure points in the body. The treatment helps to relieve muscle pains, loosen up joints, and restore balance in your body. Our acupuncture treatment has been proven to be a relaxing experience based on patient feedback and will promote better sleep, blood flow, and digestion.
Hot Cupping
During a hot cupping session, our therapists will place hot round cups directly on your skin. The cups are then left on your skin for several minutes. We use this technique for pain relief and musculoskeletal injuries, such as sprains or strains, and inflammation.
Gua Sha
Gua Sha is a specialized technique by our Acupuncturists for complaints of chronic pain that seems to get worse over time. In these cases, it could involve neurological symptoms as well. We advise Gua sha for fast results which include subsiding of pain and better healing.
Laser therapy can alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and accelerate recovery from a wide range of acute and chronic clinical conditions.
If you are suffering from chronic conditions that affect your daily life, shockwave therapy offers
effective, long-lasting results.
Related Treatments that could Benefit...
We have an integrated team approach of a physiotherapist, chiropractor, massage therapist and naturopaths. We want to help our patients with all type of injuries resulting from car accidents, sports injuries, work-related injuries, chronic pain, and aging.
Acupuncture - Service Offered
Country Hills Landing NW
open: Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
open: Sat 9:00 am - 2:00pm
closed: Sun & Stat
Falconridge NE
open: Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
open: Sat 9:00 am - 3:00pm
closed: Sun & Stat